Gales of November... (2005)

Eric Peltoniemi wrote the haunting music for the musical theater piece "Gales of November", a unique look at the 1975 tragedy of the Edmund Fitzgerald sinking in Lake Superior. Joining Claudia on vocals are Prudence Johnson and Ruth Mackenzie, and backing them up are Eric, Jeff Willkomm, Peter Ostroushko, and Dan Chouinard A masterpiece of harmony, imagery and musical texture.



  1. 1.
    Olden Days (4:28)
  2. 2.
    Heaven Before We Know (3:06)
  3. 3.
    Widows of the Water (Prelude) (1:53)
  4. 4.
    The Lake's Song (3:07)
  5. 5.
    Grand Inlet (3:20)
  6. 6.
    The Crows (4:09)
  7. 7.
    Out of the Blue (2:23)
  8. 8.
    River in the Sea (3:59)
  9. 9.
    The Captain & the Cadet (2:21)
  10. 10.
    Qui a Temps a Vie (2:04)
  11. 11.
    Listen, Adversary (3:36)
  12. 12.
    Stranger (4:15)
  13. 13.
    Widows of the Water (2:44)
  14. 14.
    Whitecaps In the Ditch (2:27)